After four years working in the garage we wanted to throw an open house to let all of our friends and family come see out new digs. We got together for a celebration and a photo op.
Since we make products for children...we had to invite our friends kids! Here some of the kids are hamming for a photo. We had arts and crafts for the kids to work on i n the break room.
Well...we had to feed everyone! This is a few people in the work area, snacking and enjoying themselves.
When I was in third grade, Mrs. Nagata was my teacher. She thought I had a talent, so she showed her father, an Art teacher, my sketches and drawings. He told her I absolutely had a talent and I should own it. She then told my parents that I was artistic and that they should encorage me paint, draw, sketch, etc. Until she pulled my parents aside, I never knew what I did was different - neither did my parents. I say if it was not for Mrs. Nagata I would not be doing what I do today. Thanks Mrs. N!