November 9, 2012.
So, this is not the first time I am just using an email exchange as a blog post, and I am sure it will not be the last. In my defense I can not really do this email exchange justice in 140 characters or less on Twitter, or post it as a status update on Facebook. Just today I got a few more emails that may turn into an amusing (or frustrating) exchange. One such email encouraged me to purchase more hats for my hat store, another invited me to a Carpet Expo in Germany and lastly an email that asked me to blog about....diapers.
So, here is my latest email exchange that is too long for a story at a cocktail party and too ridiculous not to share:
On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 10:00 PM
Hi Jamie,
I came across your website and wanted to notify you about a broken link on your
page in case you weren't aware of it. The link on which
links to is no
longer working. I've included a link to a useful page on Creating an Emergency
Plan that you could replace the broken link with if you're interested in
updating your website. Thanks for providing a great resource!
Sue Smith
Oh wow, I have not thought about the SV Mom blog for quite some time. I really miss writing for a collaborative Mom Blog that gets tons of traffic (and awesome swag at Blogher). Oh well, was a good experience and I was lucky to have been a part of it. I will respondto this woman and try and help her out. ---------------------------------------------------------------
Hi Sue,
Thank you for contacting me, however the link you are referencing is not in a post I wrote, and the SV Mom Blog is not my website. It was owned by Silicon Valley Mom Blogs and I was one of hundreds of contributors. I don't believe I ever wrote about emergency plans. I believe the correct person to contact is <A SV Mom Blogger>.
Jamie Lentzner
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 9:01 AM |
Hi Jamie, |
Thanks for getting back to me! Would you
mind if I ask you to provide me with the email address <A SV Mom Blogger>?
I ask so that I might follow up with her directly.
Now when I read this last email I was not paying much attention to detail. Had it not been Monday, my husband out of town and only one cup of coffee in my system I might have noticed that this Sue woman (name changed to protect the crazy) was using a sort of bizarre type of English. Again, I was not really paying attention to her use or abuse of the English language so I replied. -------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Hi Sue,
I don't have email addresses for the bloggers that used to write for the collaborative site that I mentioned earlier. Like I mentioned in my last email there were hundreds of bloggers who wrote for Silicon Valley Mom Blog. Also, all of the links are broken in the post, it was written back in 2007 and the site is no longer an active any blog.
On Tues, Sep 23, 2012 at 9:28 AM
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for letting me know. Have a great day!
Best Regards,
Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 11:03 AM
Hi Jamie,
I wanted to follow up with you and make sure you had received my email I sent a
little bit ago regarding the broken link on your site.
If you are still updating your website, I have a similar resource that you can
replace the broken link with if you are interested. Let me know!
Best regards,
Sue Smith
Okay now I am thinking of that damn book I had to read my daughter, If You Give A Mouse A Cookie. It had this irritating mouse that refused to leave the little boy's home, even when he offered the mouse numerous bribes. Who is this lady and why is she obsessed with a link from five years ago for a blog that no longer exists? My husband told me to delete her email and mark her as SPAM, but nooooo I had to reply.
Hi Sue,
Um, I responded to you and you replied back to me in numerous email exchanges a few weeks ago. Here is a more detailed answer for you to hopefully understand why I can’t fix the link you referenced in the last two emails:
Silicon Valley Mom Blog no longer exists. The post was written in 2007. The site closed down and Technoratti took over the site. After further investigation I have found almost all of the blogs have broken links or have been removed from the internet.
Like I mentioned earlier, the actual blog post you contacted me about was not written by me, it was written by a woman named <A SV Mom Blogger>.
By the way you responded to all of my emails and confirmed you got them.
Jamie Lentzner
On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 3:08 PM
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for letting me know. Have a great day!
Best Regards,
See, that all worked out fine. I was being nice and helping out a woman that was just trying to do her job. I am sure that answered all of her questions and concerns regarding the links. I have washed my hands of the situation. Wait did she just use the same cut and paste response to my last email?
I've reported a broken link on your site
links to and
haven't heard back, so I just wanted to verify whether you're the right person
to contact? If not, could you direct me to the person maintaining the website?
If you would be interested in updating your website, I have a similar resource
that you are more than welcome to use to update. Let me know!
Link Replacement Option:
Sue Smith
OMG! It is not bad enough that I just lived through the longest election cycle of my lifetime and now this. Is this really happening to me again? I am so living my own personal Ground Hog Day moment. Is this woman insane? Is she on drugs or drunk? How could she not understand my detailed responses?? I may be a tad cranky after staying up last night to see the concession and acceptance speech, but….is she kidding?
Sue (if that is even your real name),
I have answered your ridiculous emails and you have replied to my responses numerous times. You are seriously wasting my time. I don’t know why I keep responding but I do. So here it goes….again:
Please see below the ENTIRE stream of our conversations all pasted together and all of YOUR responses to each of my emails. Please stop sending me repeated emails asking me to fix a link from a blog post from 2007 that, wait for it…..I DID NOT WRITE!
Best of luck to you,
Jamie Lentzner
She has yet to respond to my last email, but I am optimistic that Sue will not let me down. I am confident that I will have an email waiting for me in my inbox soon....just like Ground Hog Day.
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