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August 19, 2010


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This is a good list. I have owned several of my own businesses, from pre-school to teaching swim lessons, and currently as an independent consultant for a wickless candle company. I agree with all of your guidelines.

I especially identified with #3,4, and 8. I have been personally and professionally impacted by the lack of other's integrity in these areas.

I especially think #8 is critical, and it expands into all the others. If you are honest and have integrity, you won't rip off someone else's ideas, marketing, photos, trade show booth, etc. And you won't be exaggerating your success, growth, or income but rather, you will be honest - truly honest, in every aspect of your business endeavor. And that leaves you able to hold your head high and present yourself and your business with pride.

You know, it's perfectly understandable to write something negative. It works to cover both positive and negative sides to enlighten the new entrepreneur. A lot of seminars and books talk about what to do in a business, how best to run it, etc. But it is good networking and establishing relationships that are often left out. It is important to be as honest and as original as you can; this reflects positively on your business as well as yourself. If people begin to trust and look up to you, then it may follow that they become loyal customers, too.

This is great. Thanks for sharing. I am going to tweet this right now.

Here's an article that gives some good advice to novice trade show exhibitors

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