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April 09, 2010


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That is the EXACT reason I won't do those stupid presentations, even for the "Free" vacation. Too stressful, too.

I remember wen I first got married we went to one of these time share Dealies early on. I left the place crying because I was so homesick the only place I ever wanted to travel to was my island.

My family and I had a very similar situation in Cabos Mexico. I really was interested in a purchase, not at that time though. Our hour in an half turned into 4 hours with no less than 5 different Sales people assaulting us. I finally politely asked to give me their E Mail and number and i will get in touch at a peaceful time. I was rudely told no if we do not close on the spot the deal was off. I said i do not do business this way and i needed time to go over everything and still they refused to give me an E Mail and Contact. I finally stood up shout a loud in a room full of about 30 Americans. There is nothing more to be said keep your gifts I want out of hear NOW! They quickly escorted me out. It really ruined our day. Cabos is a lovely place the Mayor and Governor are destroying it letting this happen. I was later told at the pool if i really was interested in a purchase to buy on line at half the price from another owner.
Please do not do it!
Reuben Sabbage
New York, New York

Thank you for the comment. I have heard the same thing that it is very common place for them to push this on you. It was not worth the hours we lost.

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