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September 21, 2008


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Hey Jamie! Thanks for sharing all this. I just read a Michael Jordon quote re: all his failures that ends with (loosely quoting, forgive me, it's late) "I've failed many times, that is why I succeed".

You can't stop doing all of these things either, because A) you don't know what WILL go through or pay off and B) you can't measure how much exposure you really got from all those press releases and 'almosts'.

Love how much you are always willing to share.

Hi Jamie,
I really NEED to get back to reading your blog more often - just happened to check in and this post just hit the spot! You are such a wonderful person to be so open about your business - your failures are even inspiring! Just wanted to say thank you!

I started a line of greeting cards that I thought were awesome...problem was, I had no idea how to market them...and it tanked.

Yes, learning from our experiences, good and bad, is crucial to being successful. If you don't learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it!

Personally, I loved the honesty and heart in this post. I didn't, in any way, feel it was a downer. In fact, I saw it as a great tribute to the value of PERSEVERENCE.

It takes a lot to succeed in the world--whether it's making $100 a week profit or building a company that affords you luxuries you never dreamed of.

I agree with you that in our attempts to "sound successful" or to "appear successful" we can sometimes give those starting out in the industry false hope and make them feel like failures.

When I started out as a freelance writer, I failed miserably all the time. Even today, I still make mistakes, see areas that could use growth, and have come to realize that the only ones that make it in this industry are the ones who keep persevering.

Hi Jamie, Boy do I know how you feel! I have had some deals so close I could almost touch them, only to vanish like they never existed. Not one, but TWO BIG furniture deals...one with tons of money and time on our end that never came to pass, the Kristi Yamaguchi nursery that I designed new art and rugs and painted murals all at my expense with not even so much as a simple thank you (must be nice to have your nursery custom decorated at no expense while you still rake in the $ for appearances), tons of products sent to various tv shows with promises to be featured...nothing..deal after deal that seemed so good that turned out so bad...I guess it's the cost of having your own business but that makes it hurt that much more. Oh well, live and learn, right? Take care, Kelly

This post came at just the right time for me, too. I have started working with the owner of a store who is interested in carrying my product, once I've made some changes. I met with her again today, and we are getting closer to what we each envision. I want to get the product out there, so I need to be flexible. I am enjoying working with someone on product development. It does take time.

Hi Jamie-

I started a children's clothing line back in 1995 that failed miserably because I couldn't get retailers to pay me after I shipped them their orders. They would all say "I have bigger fish to pay than you." which is very defeating. I ended up losing $40,000 and closing my business. But, I wouldn't change that experience for anything! I learned so much about how to operate my business.
I started Stacie Dale Designs Inc.Keepsake Chests in 1997 and have slowly built the business to where I am 90% happy with the company. I did make a big mistake by paying $4000 to a PR firm that did nothing close to what they had promised. BIG lesson learned. It is really tough to get good press and I have decided that the best press for me is still word-of-mouth. I've sent samples to media outlets who also promised to feature them only to have nothing come of it. Some have been great but a majority are just not worth the time and energy I put in to wooing these media people. I've redirected my energies to strictly pleasing my direct retail customers and if I get a few wholesale orders as well, great. Wholesaling is a really tough busines in a slow economy because of the lack of timely payment. I used to think I needed wholesale accounts but I make more money doing direct sales through my own website and it's alot less headache for me. You have a great product...keep doing it as long as you love it.

Wow, great post!
I enjoyed reading.
You really worked hard on your business.

Hi jamie, you know what your blog is such an inspiration to those people who are reading and following your blog. thanks for sharing this post.

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