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September 14, 2008


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you are so articulate!! Thanks jaime. I am sitting here before getting to work, asking myself...how do you pull to the front in this kind of economy? And bingo. The queen of it all...you got it down. you are so right. I think the BEST thing in biz really comes down to service...customer service, relationships in the biz, etc. You are the best example of that too. You are always on top of where you are in relation to others, and that sets you ahead. I really don't have any advice to offer, except to say "amen!" Thanks!!!

Hi Jamie, LOVE the political designs!! Hope all is well..Brain came back from ABC with some weird symptoms....tell ya later. Take care, Kelly

Collaboration with a small store owner may be the way I get my product on her shelf. I was referred to her store by another store owner, who isn't taking new products because of the economic slow down. Turns out the second store owner is interested - I went in with the attitude that even if she wasn't I wanted to know what she thought. I think we're going to be able to work something out once we can find the right fabric for the edging.

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