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June 24, 2008


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I love how a home, whether it's a guest room, a kitchen, an attic, a backhouse or a garage, can morph into whatever's needed for creation to take place. My kitchen was the site of the creation of my first novel. My bedroom the site for my second. I love that your business went from your kitchen to your guest room to your garage to your "legit" office space. And you're right. The early years of a start-up - and where you spend them - are the most important ones. Isn't it lovely you had them at home, and not in some impersonal strip mall space?

Thank you for your honesty and candor about how you got started and what's important to you as the owner of a business. I, too, think it's important to acknowledge comments, so I want to thank you for your comment on the 50-something moms blog.

Having a "room of one's own" is so very important to business owner-moms, whether we are writers or artists or other creative professionals. Congrats on your success and thanks for sharing how your working space grew along with you!

That's fun to see that you enjoy starting your business and your children also. As your business grow, you would like to move on a larger office for the better products and work.


My garage used to be my workspace as well. But later on, my hubby and I began transforming our guest room into my "real" craft room. It's so nice that you now have a workspace to call your own. I hope you guys enjoy your new space.

Thanks for the comment. This is actually my fifth work space since starting the business nine years ago. It started in my guest room, moved to converted studio/garage, moved to rental space, moved my studio back home and now I have my own studio on our property.

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