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June 01, 2008


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I've always kind of thought of an artist's style in terms of evolution. You know, an organic, natural flow. So often, when an artist deliberately seeks to embrace a new style, they end up wrecking a good thing.

oh BOY! what have I done!?
how could you even hear what I had to say as I practically poured that most delicious mac & cheese into my mouth!

First let me say that you have a very distinct style – adorably YOURS!
Undeniably YOURS. If you did decide to play around a bit (even a lot) – I do believe it would always feel and look like a “Jamie Lentzner”. You are immensely talented – and full of ideas – all kinds of ideas - why not share them?

I didn’t mean to get you all worked up!

I guess the comment stemmed from my own frustration that my CORE look is now what everyone else seems to be doing – so it seems harder and harder for me to create -what feels to me – like an original design. I have been playing with different mediums, diverse subject matter, and new ways of putting it all together! I think it still feels very “drooz”…

“freshly drooz”!

Have fun creating!

how fun! i would love to go back to that show just to see things from a different perspective than I saw things there several years ago. good for you for getting out. sounds like it was encouraging and inspiring!

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