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February 29, 2008


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Congratulations!! That's a huge deal and I'm glad that after all my rantings about the Atlanta show and how that one deal made it all worth while, you can agree.

I remember seeing my line of licensed plates in the giftware companies showroom for the first time. I was amazed, in awe and absolutely thrilled! I was much like you were, giddy with excitement and trying to remain very humble about it. Enjoy it! I wish I had let myself show my excitement about it a little more than I did at the time. There are enough bad things that can bring you down running your own business, you have to relish the good ones just as much!

Congratulations Jamie! That is awesome!

Jamie! I have been meaning to say Congratulations for many days and just haven't been able to post...so a Big Congratulations from here. You should be giddy. I likely would have jumped up and down in the aisle.

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