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August 27, 2007


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I love checking in on your site every so often... especially your blog. Being a Momprenuer myself, it is so much relief to read some of the stuff you are going thru and realizing Im not alone. It's tough sometimes to juggle the whole family and business stuff. Please keep on blogging and keeping it real.

Um, Ya, I want a custom ornament with big polkadots on it and a big polka dot ribbon! HAHA, kidding!!! No wait! I want one of your new frames or should I just take it from your show boxes in my garage?

You know I read your blog, love your blog and owe our friendship to your blog. I would start my own.....oh wait, I did that already! I posted two or three whole articles, before I realized there's nothing I could say any better than you already do, so what's the point. I mean really, if you can't be the best at it, take Seth Godin's advice and bow out. You do a great job at entertaining us with your witty articles. You make us feel normal, you inspire us and you make us laugh out loud. I'm as addicted to your blog as I am to those ridiculous hollywood trash mags. keep up the good work :)

Your blog R*O*C*K*S Jamie! It's upbeat and refreshing. As Jennifer posted, you "keep it real" and don't b/s. I love it and I'm addicted :) I just wish you would post daily because waiting for your next blog drives me crazy...but it's definitely worth the wait!

Hi Jennifer,
Thanks so much for kind words. What do you do?? The comment you left does not have your email - so nice to meet other entrepreneurs!!!

What a treat! I must confess I stumbled onto your site by accident but am so glad I did! I myself have 18 full-time jobs (or so it feels!) Super mom and castle queen with a home-based business! When did we ever think we had free time =-)??

I am currently designing a gift shop site and understand what a task your designer has on his plate! But I love the layout - keep it simple and keep it fun! Plus - kudos for blogging! I am looking forward to dropping in again!


Hi again Jamie...
I own one of those little "Paint-your-own-pottery" studios! Just hit our 7th anniversary. It's a blast but I truly understand what you mean about the little comments you hear from other Moms about "what a lucky girl you are! I would love to just sit and paint all day for a living!" HA! Yeah right! I just want to comeback sometimes with "oh I dont do this ALL day. I stop every now and then to paint my nails and eat some bon-bons". Seriously, somebody's gotta do all the other work around here. I rarely paint anything for my own home... I paint samples for the studio and take custom orders for those who "dont have a creative bone in their body". But I rarely get to paint something JUST FOR ME! Too busy!!

Hi Jamie,
I own the gift company that Teri mentioned in her posting. We are almost finished designing my site, so I can definitely empathize with what you've gone through to build yours. It looks fabulous! I loved your blog on the Atlanta Gift Show - I'm headed there this weekend for the Sept. show and it was fun to read a vendor's perspective. Take care!

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