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Photos from Jamie's Painting & Design

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One-Line Bio

I am the owner and founder of Jamie's Painting & Design, I also have a husband, two small children and two dogs.


I would say my official art career began at a very, very young age, like a toddler. As early as three years old, I was drawing, or doodling sketches on any blank piece of paper I could find. My parent’s worst punishment was to take away my crayons and paper. For as long as I can remember I have been painting, drawing and sketching original cartoon characters. In high school and college I was happiest painting a poster, designing a t-shirt or helping decorate a friend’s room.
After receiving my degree in Computer Art, I spent my first few years designing video game at two failed “male dominated” game companies. After realizing that educational software was better than shooting at aliens I joined The Learning Company. I spent the next several years in the field of animation, working on such titles as Reader Rabbit's Interactive Math Journey, Reader Rabbit Baby, and Reader Rabbit Preschool.
With the birth of my son, I shifted my focus to being a full-time mom. Yet, after the birth of my second child, a daughter, I wanted to get back to my art roots. While designing my daughter’s nursery I searched to personalize her room with something unique and elegant, but I found nothing on the market. My original Name Tiles were unexpectedly born and Jamie’s Painting & Design was started. Nine years later my business that was started out of a missing accessory is still alive and kicking.
Beginning with one of the most widely recognized specialty boutiques in Northern California, my whimsical artwork can now be found on several leading Internet sites, in specialty boutiques, and in children’s bedding catalogs. My line of ceramic keepsakes can also be found in oodles of physical stores all over the country.
My products and I have also had the fortune of being featured on many a TV show, magazine and a few sort of major (psst…the Wall Street Journal) newspapers. I am also quite lucky a few A-list celebrities out there also have purchased some of my products too.


Helping Mompreneurs, Entrpreneurial Ventures, artwork,cartooning, Reading, wine tasting, old 80's movies, The Daily Show, Humorous Biographies, spending time with my kids and husband